Juno Beach order of battle
This is the Juno Beach order of battle on D-Day.
Canadian Army
3rd Canadian Infantry Division
- Nan Sector
- Follow up forces landed in Nan sector:
- Support Units integrated with troops in Mike Sector and Nan Sector
- Ground forces from Combined Operations and the British Army
- HQ, 4th Special Service Brigade
- Elements of 79th Armoured Division
- 3rd and 4th Batteries, 2nd Royal Marine Armoured Support Regiment (Centaur)
- Royal Armoured Corps
- C Squadron, Inns of Court Regiment (armoured car unit tasked with rushing the bridges over the Orne river, South of Caen)
- Royal Engineers (Landed as sub-units distributed amongst assaulting formations)
- 72nd Field Company, RE
- 85th Field Company, RE
- 184th Field Company, RE
- 240th Field Company, RE
- 262nd Field Company, RE
- Royal Artillery
- Elements of 114th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA
- Elements of 93rd Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, RA
Force J was commanded by the British, and the flagship vessel came from the Royal Navy. Among the chief vessels in the force were
The force also included 109 Royal Canadian Navy vessels, among them:
- Two of the 11 destroyers were Canadian:
- Two of the Landing Ships Infantry (Medium) were Canadian:
- Craft of 4th, 14th, and 16th Canadian Minesweeping Flotillas were attached
Landing craft from both the RN and RCN were employed in Force J, the total number were:
- 1 Landing Ship Headquarters
- 2 Assault Group Headquarters Ship
- 3 Landing Ships Infantry (Large)
- 3 Landing Ships Infantry (Medium)
- 12 Landing Ships Infantry (Hand Hoisting)
- 20 Landing Craft Infantry (Large)
- 8 Landing Craft Infantry (Small)
- 142 Landing Craft Assault
- 4 Landing Craft Assault (Obstacle Clearance)
- 18 Landing Craft Assault (Hedgerow)
- 8 Landing Craft Support (Medium)
- 4 Landing Craft Headquarters
- 22 Landing Ship Tank Mark II
- 2 Landing Craft Tank Mark III (Flotilla of 10 craft each)
- 7 Landing Craft Tank Mark IV (Flotilla of 10 craft each)
- 2 Landing Craft Tank Mark V/VI (Flotilla of 10 craft each)
- 7 Landing Craft Flak
- 7 Landing Craft Gun (Large)
- 7 Landing Craft Tank (Armoured)
- 8 Landing Craft Tank (High Explosive)
- 9 Landing Craft Tank (Rocket)
- 36 Landing Craft Personnel (Large) Smoke Layer
- 4 Landing Barge Flak
- 4 Landing Craft Support (Large) Mark I
- 3 Landing Craft Support (Large) Mark II
- 1 Landing Ship Dock
- 15 Rhino Ferry
Six main resistance nests were located in the Juno Beach sector:
- WN26 - Langrune-sur-Mer
- WN27 - St. Aubin-sur-Mer
- WN28 - Bernières-sur-Mer
- WN28a - Beny-sur-Mer
- WN29 - Courseulles
- WN30 - Courseulles
- WN31 - Courseulles
The strongpoints were manned by soldiers of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of Grenadier Regiment 736 of the 716th Infantry Division. East Battalion 441 was also deployed in the vicinity of Courseulles. Artillery support was provided by Artillery Regiment 1716.